Poster: From Distraction to Meta-Awareness: Self-Regulated Learning and the Wandering Mind


Did you catch yourself thinking about something else while reading this program? You are not alone, and it is perfectly normal to frequently think about something unrelated to a task you are trying to achieve. This phenomenon is known as off-task thought, or colloquially mind wandering, and it is inevitable. While learning, students experience mind wandering about 30% of the time. So, how do they regulate their behaviour in response? Through four distinct approaches, this doctoral research investigates the relationship between self-regulated learning and mind wandering. A conceptual paper synthesises the theoretical connections, and a meta-analysis assesses the effects of task-related interference. A case study gauges the frequency and type of students’ mind wandering during video lectures. A randomised experiment tests interpolated testing and self-explanation writing to mitigate mind wandering. Data collection and analysis for these components are underway. Collectively, these elements provide a comprehensive study of how self-regulation impacts students’ reactions to mind wandering.

Friday, 03 Nov 2023 13:00
University of South Australia
Adelaide, SA
Daniel Ebbert
Daniel Ebbert
PhD candidate at the University of South Australia

Daniel is a PhD candidate at the University of South Australia. After having worked in the field of providing educational technology to lecturers at universities in Germany, he joined the University of South Australia to start his PhD. His research focuses on improving educational videos provided to students at higher education institutions, with a specific emphasis on exploring mind wandering and self-regulated learning. By delving into these aspects, Daniel aims to develop insights and techniques that can enhance the effectiveness and engagement of educational materials in a university setting.